Wednesday, April 28, 2010

What is the best way to treat and prevent acne?

Use a bleach/ frozen orange juice concentrate. Mix equal parts bleach and Oj, re-freeze it and then let it thaw. The result is a cream like substance which ends up being twice as strong as an over the counter topical acne medication.

one can make all kinds of medical substances using simple household items... if one were so inclined.

To the female below...

Frozen orange juice concentrate contains high quantities of tricalcium and citrus aurantium. Any of the ingredients of the finished concentrate have been treated by heat to substantially reduce the enzymatic activity and the number of viable microorganisms. Those characteristics of the concentrate also help to reduce the depigmentation affect that bleach has on the human skin.

-TylerWhat is the best way to treat and prevent acne?
See a dermatologist. There are lots of prescription creams and face washes out there. My boyfriend used Differin for a while, but you do need a prescription. He also uses panoxyl, which is actually something you don't need a prescription for and can buy at any cvs, walgreens, rite aid, eckerd, etc. I don't have terribly bad acne, but I get very painful pimples/cysts from time to time and always use PersaGel as a spot treatment. Its only about $5, but it really works! Also, both my boyfriend and I use Oxy cleansing pads to clean our faces whenever we go out and before we go to bed. If you are a girl, always wash your makeup off as soon as you get home so that your pores aren't clogged. I use facial masks at least once a week to unclog my pores, also. There is always the Proactiv line of products [the one from the infomercials], but I never used it so can't say much about it. I will put the links of the products my boyfriend and I use:What is the best way to treat and prevent acne?

Apply fresh mint juice every night to treat acne and pimples as this is a good home remedy for acne. More such solutions at

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