Friday, January 8, 2010

What's the best way to treat acne on very dry skin?

My first piece of advice for anyone suffering from more than the absolute mildest acne is to go and talk to their GP.

If there's a hormonal imbalance, skincare or diet might help with the problem, but they won't cure it. Over the counter products only work on spots that are already forming, they don't treat the underlying cause of the problem.

Your doctor will be able to give advice. In many cases in females prescribing certain types of contraceptive pill (Dianette being most common) for a short period of time can help to rebalance things- and for serious acne, a short course of anti-biotics might be prescribed. Please do ask if you are concerned- doctors really can work absolute wonders.

In addition, be careful with products. Keep make-up minimal (particularly foundation) and use a very simple face wash, followed by aqueous cream (from Boots or Superdrug) as a moisturiser. Limit exfoliation to gentle products once a week, and avoid excessive use of masks and other products- the chemical cocktail will do more harm than good.

Medical opinion is divided on the link between diet and acne, but a good, balanced healthy diet with plenty of fruit and veg will help your body to respond better to any treatment. Some people (me included) find that certain foods seem to trigger breakouts (most commonly white bread, coffee, chocolate and takeaways) although others don't appear to be as sensitive. Try keeping a food diary for a while, and if you notice any links between a certain food and particularly bad breakouts (provided it's nothing that is required for normal health) try cutting it out for a week or two and see what happens.What's the best way to treat acne on very dry skin?
Get yourself the medicated acne spot treatment and the oil free night treatment as well as the oil free day treatment from Bee-Luscious Cosmetics at You will be moisturized and treat the acne with three different meds. salicylic acid (much better than benzoyle peroxide) avobenzone, and octinoxate. This will work better than ProActiv and best of all you don't have to join any ';club';.What's the best way to treat acne on very dry skin?
read tips on treating acne, skincare and home remedies on this site
You need to flush your body through by drinking plenty of water a day and stay away from sugary, fatty foods as they contribute to bad skin. Normally just simple changes to your diet will see you to having a healthier complexion
If all else fails go to your local chinese herbal remedies store, as they have some brilliant cream which worked for me when everything else did'nt!!!!

Good luck! :-)
Ask Your Doctor She Or He Will Give You The Right One For The Type Of Skin And Spots You Have. Acne Has Nothing To Do With Eating Fatty Foods And Chocolate Ect. But Do Drink Lots Of Water Because Thats Good For Your Skin Hair Ect.
as silly as it sound try eating less fatty foods like chips drink plenty of fluids ie water

and use clearasel then wash off with dove worked ok for me
I had this same problem. I used the ProActiv Solution and it cleared it up without a trace. My skin is so smooth now. BUT, the solution has benzoil peroxide in it, a drying agent, BUT it evens out with the moisturizer. In my opinion the best acne medicine on the market. It may take about a week to start seeing results but believe me, YOU WILL. For the better.
use water based face washes.

Also, as some are very harsh, talk to your doctor. there is a pill called Dianette, that is also a mini pill for contraception, but it works wonders for those who have too much testosterone in their system!
soap.......and maybe some sand paper
Your dr must be able to prescibe you the best remedies for this surley.?
Try natural remedies there is a company in the US which specialises in natural remedies for skin problems. ';Native Remedies';

Read about it here:
I think the most important thing is the cleanser you use. Don't use the Clearasil type face wash for skin with acne, they tend to be very strong and will dry your skin out more and when you skin is very dry it will try to correct this problem by producing more oil. Switch to a very gentle cleanser, one for sensitive skin. I have try Nutrogena, Loreal and now Simple, they are all very nice cleansers which you just apply on your face and remove with a Cotton pad. They will actually give you more moisture. I use a spot cream that was given by my dermatologist, so it may be useful to see your doctor about any medicines that might help. You should cleanse your face twice a day (especially for people that wear make up, always remove it before you go to bed). After you have cleansed and applied your acne cream use a light moisturiser, I would also go with one for sensitive skin as they tend to be light and won't irritate your skin.

Also try drinking lots of water, especially if you work in a place with AC or central heating, which tends to be very drying.

But the most important aspect is Patience, unlike the adverts on TV, your spots won't clear up in a week, it does take time. So don't get frustrated
buy water based face wash, but also, drink at least 8 tall glasses of water daily. Scrub your face twice weekly, tone daily and moisturise daily and steam your face if necessary

How do you use yogurt to treat acne?

i heard yogurt could treat mild acne u use it as a mask?How do you use yogurt to treat acne?
Yogurt do not work, srry. Yogurt makes your skin softer, but it doesn't 'treat' acne. Try benzol peroxide or see a derm.How do you use yogurt to treat acne?
no, yogurt doesnt work. Murad, drug store brand BP products, proactiv, asprin/niacinamide mask ... work well on acne. Report Abuse
  • great makeup
  • What can anyone recommend to treat or improve acne scars on face?

    without resorting to painful dermabrasion or skin peeling? Any facial cream to recommend? Thx.What can anyone recommend to treat or improve acne scars on face?
    Hi Ruth

    Here is an idea worth the effort

    11/17/2007: Jessica from Vancouver, Canada writes: ';A while ago I experimented with a bunch of home remedies to clear up my acne scars and found that topically applying the following worked for me:

    - aloe vera gel (works better on fresh wounds)

    - lemon juice

    - honey

    - vitamin e oil or capsule

    - toothpaste

    - cucumber juice (leave it on for 15 minutes and wash off with cold water)

    - make a paste of salt, baking soda, lemon juice, and honey. Leave on face for 15 minutes and wash off with cold water.

    Best of health to youWhat can anyone recommend to treat or improve acne scars on face?
    You need to see a dermatologist. He/she would offer choices in the right kind of treatment. bensoyl peroxide is the primary ingredient in a lot of skin products. It's not a good fit for some.

    What are NATURAL methods to treat ACNE?

    What are some excellent NATURAL ways to get rid of acne/ pimples and pimple scars...??

    I REALLY need your help on this - have tried proactive, un-natural methods and they work for limited time only...then ruin my skin more!What are NATURAL methods to treat ACNE?
    Sadly there aren't to many ways - if Proactiv didn't work and you used it for a month I'd see a dermatologist.

    Nothing around the house really helps fight the bacteria for long.

    The best defense for this is putting up a huge fight with the bacteria/oil by using the three steps twice a day without ever skipping.

    Perhaps you need an antibiotic/and harder medicine.

    Nothing in the kitchen can do that -

    Toothpaste is for teeth not acne.

    Raw honey masks are supposed to help but the honey has to be raw.

    What are NATURAL methods to treat ACNE?
    Believe it or not acne is caused by dry skin and closed pours. You need to find a pore cleanser and a thick moisturizer. I use Euricen Aquafor and EsteLauder on my son and he's doing much better. Washing your face with a sensitive kind of cleanser also helps. But you must put the moisturizer on when you first get out of shower and are not completely dry.

    I did hear proactive is a good brand, but only if that treatment is what kind of acne you have.

    I've always found eating right and taking care of yourself helps the most.
    well think of it like this what you want to do is REVERSE the acne. So think backwards. Stop eating candy, drinking soda, and thing that have alot of sugar. BELIEVE ME i noe all about acne. I stopped consuming so much sugar products and it got ALOT better! as for the scars...DONT POP YOUR PIMPLES!!! They might look really ugly but still! You pop em' ad they will let the world noe they were there!

    Well have fun acne free! CYA!
    Cure Your Acne Naturally WITHOUT Using Creams, Lotions, Pills, or Drugs. 3-Stage Program eliminates your acne in as little as one weekend. The Original Online Acne Program.鈥?/a>

    Stop using oil-based makup, hair products, and similar cosmetic products if you want to get rid of acne.鈥?/a>
    3 simple steps!!!

    1) wash face nicely with soap

    2) use cetaphil, very good product with no added color, smell, w/e simple and plain

    3) use a plain lotion, nothing with colors/scents w/e, use baby lotion!

    ps best answer me ;)
    Well the most natrual way to prevent (not treat) acne is to avoid greasy foods, so avoid takeaway and pretty much anything in general that goes through deep frying or oils.
    Time: when you grow older you will lose a lot of the acne that you have during your teenage years.

    How can I treat my acne?

    Hey guys, I have acne and i don't know exactly how to treat it. I don't want to have to buy any expensive creams or anything. I swashing my face with facial soap 1-2 times a day enough or should I do something else? Also is Eucerin: Original Moisturizing Lotion helpful? ThanksHow can I treat my acne?
    That will work but can also break out your skin like most will do.. Ive tried that and i had the same problem..

    -- Only thing is that i had to spend 20 dollars on Proactiv.. if anything u should get that because my acne cleared up in like 1 day and ive never had it again.. But another thing which only cost 8 dollars and will help, if u was ur face 1-2 days too is Clean and Clear Morning Burst and that also worked.

    -Hope all goes well with ur acne and hope i helped,

    xxHow can I treat my acne?
    I recommend Cetaphil. I use it and it works really well. My face was clear of pimples, but you have to use it every morning at every night, or the acne might grow back.
    buy sum pro activ

    How can I treat my acne prone skin?

    I'm 16 years old. I've been dealing with acne since grade 5. But for the past 2 years, it's been getting really serious. I've tried every product, every method. I wash my face twice a day with proactive, and i've used the whole system for 2 months or so, but it doesn't seem to work. Now i only use the face cleanser. And sometimes the lotion when my face is dry. I really don't know what to do. My skin is getting worse everyday. Maybe its how i wash my face? I dunno, please helpHow can I treat my acne prone skin?
    Acne are the most common skin problem, which usually appear in the teenage due to hormonal imbalance in the body. Oily skin is more prone to get pimples and acne on it. When the problem is severe acne can appear on the neck, face, back, shoulders, chest and arms.Log on to for a few home made tips to heal acne .How can I treat my acne prone skin?
    you well find useful ways and tips here also useful links

    also see this blog about skin care if u are interested
    Try this simple remedy. Wash your face twice a day in warm salty water. This should leave your face oil free without aggravating the pimples like soap. The secret of keeping the skin clear is to keep it oil-free and clean. More such solutions at
    First, I understand where you're coming from. I grew up with really bad acne, not only on my face but on my body as well. It was embarrassing and I tried everything including cleansers, creams, prescription medications, antibiotics, over the counter medications, and even shots from the dermatologist (ouch!) to get rid of it. I never did until many years later when it didn't matter as much.


    Here's what I found out after lots of research and trial and error, the hard way.

    It's not a topical issue, it doesn't help much to treat it from the outside, it's an inside job. When you treat it from the outside it's like treating the symptoms, not the cause. You'll hear from many people that's not the case, and it's usually because they want you to buy their creams or lotions, and keep buying them month after month after month (or they haven't experienced the truth). Of course, when you stop using it (as you've experienced) your blemishes come back... because you're not treating the cause. And the costs for all of these routines/drugs add up month after month.

    If you think about it logically, it makes sense. Why do we get rashes, breakouts, or other skin irritations? It's usually because of something we ate, something that wasn't meant to be put on our skin, something that caused us stress and our body reacts to all those things.

    Bottom line is that most every cause of acne is related to what you eat, how you feel and how you take care of yourself. Your skin is a reflection of what's on the inside. We have lots of toxins building up in our systems and they have to be cleaned out on the inside and that will reflect on the outside. The blemishes, rashes, acne, etc are indications that your body is reacting to what you're eating, to stress, toxins, chemicals, hormones... literally a great number of things.

    Basically what I did in a nutshell was clean out my system by taking out the processed and junk foods, and added as much fresh fruits and vegetables to my diet as possible. This part is key. I also started drinking a lot of water daily, starting with 3 or 4 glasses when I wake up (adding a squeeze of fresh lemon at times). I also got more active every day, walking, running, sports, jumping, whatever, just getting active. It not only gave me more energy, it help flush out the toxins that were clogging up my system.

    Did you know 90% of acne is caused by 3 major factors? Find out exactly what

    they are and how easily it is to solve them here http://topsecretacnevolution.blogspot.co鈥?/a>
    You don't just want to treat acne breakouts, you should prevent them. There is a book at that lists simple lifestyle changes to make to totally prevent acne breakouts.

    How do you treat the small acne on your forehead?

    I don't have any major zits..I mean I'm in my late 20's! Its just no topical treatments seem to be working. How do you treat the small acne on your forehead?
    People make all kinds of suggestions about the best thing to do to cure acne. Some cures I’ve heard include putting oatmeal, honey, lemon juice, tea tree oil, cucumber, vinegar, or toothpaste on your face. Practically every cosmetics company and company that makes personal care products makes something that is a “sure cure” for acne. If we think about this, and use some common sense, we have to come to the conclusion that there is no quick or easy cure for acne, because if there was it would be well known and doctors would be telling everyone about it. Numerous companies make a lot of money persuading people to buy products that at worst will make the acne worse, and at best may help some people a little. Often fewer products are better. People often make their acne much worse by using too many products. There really is no quick fix for acne. Don’t spend a lot of money on products just because their ads say that they will cure acne. Your doctor is the best person to ask for help, and he or she may recommend some prescription medication or non-prescription treatment that may be suitable for you..

    There are some very simple and basic things you can do that cost nothing. Keep your face or any other area affected by acne very clean. Any mild antibacterial soap will help with that. Rinse the area well to remove all soap residue. Drink plenty of water – it really does help to clear up acne. Eat a nutritious diet and get enough sleep. A healthy life style will make a difference. Try to reduce the stress in your life – stress contributes to acne, so also probably the more you worry about the acne and focus on it, the worse it will be.

    Probably the most useful and effective things you can do are to apply hot compresses to pustules and cysts and never to pick or squeeze pimples. Playing with or popping pimples, no matter how careful and clean you are, nearly always makes bumps stay redder and bumpier longer.

    Here are a few informative links with additional ideas about preventing and treating acne.………

    How do you treat the small acne on your forehead?
    Visit your local GP or dermatologist, they can prescribe you some powerful tablets.…
    try biore nose and forehead strips

    they clean out your pores which will ultimately get rid of zits

    What is the best medication to get to treat mild acne?

    NOT PROACTIVEWhat is the best medication to get to treat mild acne?
    Mild acne can be treated with over-the-counter products

    # Wash twice daily (in the morning and before bed) with a facial cleanser containing salicylic acid, which helps clear the pores. Or, use a cleanser with triclosan, which combats acne bacteria.

    # After washing your face, apply a gel containing salicylic acid to your entire face. Let dry.

    # Dot on benzoyl peroxide cream only on any current blemishes. Use the 2.5 percent cream. It works just as well as the 5 and 10 percent creams but will not be as drying.

    # Apply a light, oil-free moisturizer, possibly one containing sunscreen. Or, apply sunscreen following the moisturizer. Look for a sensitive-skin formula or one with zinc oxide to avoid irritating the acne.

    # Once a week, use a clay mask, which helps draw out impurities and dry up acne blemishes.What is the best medication to get to treat mild acne?
    Have you tried the neutrogena product that is comparable to proactiv? That has worked for me and a few other people I know. It's not as expensive and can be found at a local drug store. If not, just find a good soap, like neutrogena acne wash or clean and clear, use a toner on a cotton ball after your wash and dry your face (witch hazel is good), and in the morning use a good moisturizer with some spf in it. If your acne is not too bad, try a routine like this so that you don't worsen the condition by drying out your skin. Hope that helps! Good luck!!
    Murad is a great line that has worked for me. My skin tends to become immune to things after I've used them for awhile so I switch between a few lines. Murad is the best however because I have very sensitive skin and it is a water based product, not acid based. I love it. Especially the acne spot treatment! Dermologica is great too. They have a great wash that is for sensitive skin that is an acne wash and makeup remover. Both lines can get pricey but they are well worth it.
  • great makeup
  • What is any inexpensive way to treat acne & zits without drying my skin too much?

    YES..go to rite aid or sephora or w/e and get this stuff that looks like lipstick (or in a tube) but its green. the green takes the redness right out...even on scratches...just put a little powder or foundation over it and ur good to go :)What is any inexpensive way to treat acne %26amp; zits without drying my skin too much?
    Use a moisturizer with salicylic acid (usually 2%), or alpha hydroxy acid (5-10%). Look for an oil free product that will hydrate as well as treating your skin. I love, love, love this product and you can find it in most drugstores:鈥?/a> It says it is for wrinkles, but read the reviews, it works amazingly on breakouts.What is any inexpensive way to treat acne %26amp; zits without drying my skin too much?
    Try tea tree oil!

    The St. Ives tea tree oil cleanser actually prevents future breakouts! It really clears your face up by attacking the bacteria. In other words, it naturally combats the causes of acne.

    Plus, a clay/ Mint Julep mask dabbed on any existing pimples at night works miracles... try the one by Queen Helene- you can find it at K-Mart ,Target, etc. It really does dry up the pimple and draw the pus out, without the risk of infection from popping the sucker.

    Best of all, these products are all natural!!!
    try netrogena benzoyl peroxide 2 percent

    How do I treat cystic acne?

    If you're not familiar with cystic acne, A) your're lucky, and B)it is pimples under the skin that are really bulbous, huge, and painful. I have it, I just don't know how to get rid of it...any suggestions?How do I treat cystic acne?
    I have had cystic acne for a long time. I didn't know that it was called that until recently, but I have had it and it stinks. I bought every possible product and what I found was that no single product has the ability to completely clear acne, since it comes from so many sources. Acne is caused by genes, stress, diet, excercize and several other factors, and no one change, be it in diet or cream, can address all of those issues.

    I read a book http://bambiberg.acnefree.hop.clickbank.鈥?/a> that really made me understand this, and when I finally used the correct combination of lifestyle changes, my acne disappeared in just a few days. However, do not get this book, if you are not willing to follow through. Change is hard, I am the first to admit, but the payoff is awesome, because I am acne free.How do I treat cystic acne?
    try salt scrub,and sunshine is very good too,

    Does rose water help treat acne?

    I have mild acne and i was wondering if rose water would help me treat it.I wanted to try Rose face wash from mountain rose herbs,anyone tried that before?Does rose water help treat acne?













    GOOD LUCK!!!

    RECOMMENDED SKIN CARE鈥 use clean and clear cream wash (good for sensitive skin or those that dry to easy) or Neutrogena clear skin make up remover wash. Both contain salicylic acid which prevents breakouts and gradually evens the skin tone out too. This is the most important thing you can do. I鈥檝e tried various 鈥榦il free鈥?鈥檚alicylic acid鈥?moisturisers but the best I鈥檝e found is the clean and clear on鈥 found the Neutrogena one actually seemed to aggravate my skin.

    EMERGENCY SPOT TREATMENT!...The toothpaste things works! Put on a blob at night and put a bit of tissue over it so it doesn't make a mess. It cools the area down and reduces the inflammation. I also recommend the clean and clear advantage spot treatment gel.

    HORMONAL SPOTS鈥ny female with spots I'd recommend trying dianette or yasmine contraceptive pills because if it's hormonal that can sort everything out within weeks鈥hough it can take a couple of months to get used to the pill.

    FACIAL ACNE: AVOID鈥on't use harsh scrubs and peroxide products daily like some people do; that can dry your skin and make produce MORE oil...just exacerbating the problem. Many face packs I鈥檝e tried and those blackhead removal strips too seem to have caused problems.

    I鈥檝e also had problems with those 鈥榝acial wipes鈥?made by clean and clear and Neutrogena because they鈥檙e too drying and when the top layer鈥檚 too dry, the oil gets stuck underneath and causes more problems!

    Some say chocolate doesn鈥檛 affect it鈥t does for me and I don鈥檛 know how or why that should be but certain foods do seem to affect break out. Coffee is one of those things that seems to aggravate my skin too. So look out for anything you eat that might be making it worse.

    HAIR PRODUCTS鈥e careful what products you use in your hair if it's long - certain conditioners have causes me to break out at times. Also be careful of hair gels, hair sprays and serums.

    INGROWING HAIRS鈥or men or women鈥f you have oily skin, these are more likely. For men鈥se a facial scrub and avoid moisturisers that don鈥檛 have salicylic acid in them if you use a moisturiser. Some hair conditioners are much better lubricants than shaving cream too 鈥?so you might want to try that, and then was afterwards with a clean and clear was etc. Also I recommend the microdermabrasion kit mentioned later.

    For women鈥axing seems to cause the main problem 鈥?we pay most attention to our faces. Waxing seems to be the main culprit as opposed to shaving or hair removal creams鈥o avoid in-growing hairs, make sure to exfoliate. I recommend using those exfoliating gloves 鈥?that way, you can use any kind of shower gel.

    NUTRITION鈥 recommend taking a 100% multi vitamin/mineral complex 鈥?those little spots you get around your mouth can be due to a vitamin b deficiency for example. Also I recommend Omega 369 oils every day because they improve blood flow.

    OLD WIVES TALE??...It's an 'old wives tale' type remedy - but a spoonful of cider vinegar and honey in hot water 3 times a day is meant to help EVERYTHING. It tastes nice too...kinda like honey and lemon X

    HYDRATION鈥?Keep your hydration right by drinking plenty of water, avoiding caffeine and alcohol and too much salt!

    DEALING WITH SCARRING鈥here鈥檚 an excellent micro-dermabrasion scrub called 鈥榬e-finish鈥? by L'oreal. You only use it a couple of times a week (and use at night because it makes your face red!). It really works not just with the colouring but also the texture - smoothes it back out. It comes with it's own moisturiser which I don't use but I use the scrub at night a couple of times a week and put bio oil on which it supposed to help clear scarring and even skin tone.

    If you get your skin relatively under control, try using '21 days Fade Cream' (which I get from eBay) because it quickly clears up any scarring. It鈥檚 a skin lightening cream and is very effective as long as your skin type agrees with it. Bio oil is a good alternative!

    Also, to detract from the colour variations in your skin tone, I recommend using Benefit鈥檚 Posie Tint or Benetint lipstain 鈥?this can be put on your cheeks and lips (which also makes your teeth look whiter as an added bonus). Lipstain is better than lipstick because it doesn鈥檛 smudge and it stays on; you can put lip balm or lip gloss on over it. Also, if you use it (SPARINGLY) on your cheeks, it is just like putting water on there; it doesn鈥檛 aggravate the skin or cause breakouts.


    Does the Navy treat acne in boot camp?

    This seems to be a question that nobody can answer so far... My recruiter doesn't know neither does the Chief in my district of recruiting. Do they allow face wash in boot camp if I bring it? If not, will they treat my condition? I'm going AIRR and am very excited. Does the Navy treat acne in boot camp?
    boot camp regime cures acne problems the high metabolism

    and heavy work outs speed up the bodies repair mechanism

    drains excess skin oils and makes your libido high thus you

    will mac out a few more in the service along with the excessive

    work outs you acne trouble will clear up on its own

    sweating reduces the toxins exacerbating your skins

    oils due to frequent showering.

    cleanliess in next to not having acne


    knock out a couple and your acne will deminish also no military


    Does the Navy treat acne in boot camp?
    Dried flower baskets wild and cultivated daisies. In chamomile contains essential oil, which is under the influence of light and air grow brown. In addition to essential oils, chamomile flowers contain tanning substances and mucous membranes, as well as salt. Effects of chamomile is to reduce the inflammatory events. It enhances skin tone has a binding effect, disinfects the skin.In cosmetics chamomile used as a present, detection, primacies and compresses. It can be added to the steam bath and creams, as well as use of masks, for coloring hair.
    You are typically allowed to have a few personal items at hand so I don't see why face wash would be a problem. As far as the Navy (or any other branch) treating acne, I'm pretty sure they don't. This is just from my experience in the Air Force.
    the sweating and the immense exercise will cure the acne faster than the the treatment given to you by the doctor

    Any herbal/ home remedies to try & treat jawline acne?

    Please give tips or advice, from remedies that have helped.Any herbal/ home remedies to try %26amp; treat jawline acne?
    1. Put toothpaste on your pimple before you go to bed, should help reduce swelling overnight. Make sure it is the paste not the gel. One of the most popular acne home remedies.

    2. Wash your face twice a day in warm salty water. This should leave your face oil free without aggravating the acne.

    3. Apply a paste of fresh methi (fenugreek) leaves over the face every night for 10-15 minutes and washed with warm water. This will prevent acne, pimples, blackheads, and wrinkles.

    4. Place strawberry leaves on the acne, the alkalinity helps to reduce the swelling.

    5. Extract juice of one lemon and mix with equal quantity of rose water. Apply this mixture on the face and let it stay for about half an hour. Wash the face with fresh water. About 15 days application helps cure acne, pimples and reduces blemishes and scars.

    6. Another method is to massage the face with the skin of lemon before washing with lukewarm water.

    7. Apply fresh mint juice over the face every night for the treatment of acne, pimples, insect stings, eczema, scabies, %26amp; other skin infections.

    8. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. At least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables should be included in your diet. All acne home remedies should include a healthy diet.

    9. A couple of garlic cloves, crushed and dabbed on the face 1-2 times a day. One of the smellier acne home remedies!

    10. Home face wash for acne: Mix together 1 or 2mls each of the following: witch hazel, tea-tree and sweet fennel essential oils, adding essential oil of geranium for women and essential oil of rosewood for men. Mix with 300mls of water. Shake before use, as the oils will float on top of the water during storage. Dab affected areas with cotton wool two or three times a day. The oils will clean and unclog giving antibiotic-like protection to the skin.

    11. Apply fresh lemon juice on the affected area overnight. Wash off with warm water next morning.

    12. Use 2-3 tsp. dried basil leaves to 1 cup boiling water. Steep 10-20 minutes. Cool, and apply with cotton ball.

    13. Grind orange peel with some water to a paste and apply on affected parts. One of the best acne home remedies.

    14. Clean face with cotton wool dipped in rose water 2-3 times a day.

    15. Mix 1 teaspoon lemon juice in 1 teaspoon finely ground cinnamon powder and apply on affected areas frequently.

    16. Nettle Tea is another solution, this tea has a herb that has some curing power and really helps work wonders on skin problems. Drink four cups a day to get the full benefit of one of the most powerful acne home remedies. Get nettle products here.

    17. Aloe Vera juice applied twice a day can greatly speed up the healing of acne lesions. You can buy Aloe Vera at

    18. Another lotion that uses bee propolis extract may also be effective. Mix eight ounces of water and 11 drops of bee propolis extract. One of the acne home remedies which has been proven effective with many people.

    19. Some herbal acne home remedies...

    Burdock leaf tea.

    Lavender essential oil (mix 1:10 with water)

    Tincture of calendula flowers.

    Tea tree essential oil (mix 1:10 with water)

    Liquefy cabbage leaves with witch hazel, strain and add two drops of lemon oil. Use as a lotion.

    20. Ice down the acne before bed, by morning it should be noticeably less swollen. Works best on larger pimples that have not yet formed a head.

    21. Take vitamin B5 and zinc supplements daily to strengthen the skin's resistance to acne.

    22. Mix mint juice with turmeric powder and apply on affected area. Leave for 15-30 minutes and wash off with lukewarm water.

    23. Mix some vinegar and salt in a bowl. Pour a little bit in your hand and rub it on the pimples. Soak a face towel in it and dab it on the bumps. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes and rinse it off.

    24. Blend cucumber and make a paste. Apply this as a mask on your face and leave it for 1/2 hour and then rinse. This refreshes your skin and prevents acne.

    25. Mix corn flour with egg white and apply on your face. Let is dry completely for 1/2 hour. Dip your hands in warm water and massage your face and wash off. This when repeated regularly gives you a smooth skin.

    26. Mix sandalwood paste with rosewater and apply on the face. Rinse off after 30 minutes.

    27. Essential oil face mask for acne: Use a mask base powder, such as fuller's earth or kaolin powder. Use distilled or filtered water to make a paste. Mix 1 heaped teaspoon of base powder to 3 drops of essential oil. Add approximately 2 tablespoons of the water in, to make a fluid yet balanced paste. Essential oils to add in the mask either separately or try smaller amounts together; cypress oil 1 drop, lemon oil 2 drops, sage oil 1 drop.

    28. Mix the paste of tender neem leaves with turmeric and apply of affected area. An eastern approach to acne home remedies.

    29. Grind some nutmeg with milk and apply on affected area. Pimples disappear like magic without leaving a mark.

    30. Make a mixture of lime juice and rose water. Apply on face and leave it for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off with lukewarm water.

    31. Make a paste by mixing 3 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Apply this paste on the pimples before sleeping and wash it next morning with warm water. Repeat for two weeks, pimples will disappear forever.

    32. Rub fresh garlic on and around pimples. Pimples will disappear without a mark with regular applications.

    33. Mix 1 tsps groundnut oil with 1 tspn fresh lime juice to prevent formation of blackheads and pimples .

    34. Ground drumstick pods and leaves and mix mixed with fresh lime juice, and apply on pimples. This is also good for blackheads and dark spots.

    35. First wash face and then dab acne with cotton balls soaked in vinegar.

    36. Mix groundnut oil with an equal amtount of fresh lime juice and apply on face. leave for 10-15 minutes and wash. It may be applied daily to prevent formation of blackheads, acne and pimples.

    37. Apply juice of raw papaya (including the skin and seed) on swelling acne, pimples.

    38. Apply fresh lime juice mixed to a glass of boiled milk as a face wash for acne, pimples, blackheads, and cracked skin.

    39. Apply ripe Tomatoes pulp on acne, pimples and kept upto 1 hour, then wash.

    40. Make a paste of roasted %26amp; powdered pomgranate skin with fresh lime juice and apply over acne, boils, pimple, blackheads and whiteheads.

    41. Apply grated potatoes as poultice to treat skin blemishes, wrinkles, boils, pimples, blackheads, whiteheads , etc.

    42. Make a paste of ground radish seeds with water and apply on face to remove blackheads.

    43. Apply a paste of ground seasame seeds with water as poultice for inflammation of the skin due to allergies, skin rashes, and pimples.

    44. Large pores on facial skin can be treated with paste of sandalwood powder with masoor dal.

    45. Use an oatmeal or almond mask throughly to cleanse your face. Mix either oatmeal or almond powder with enough rose water to make a soft paste that spreads easily on the skin. Rub it on your skin with your fingertips, paying special attention the problem areas. Leave to dry for about 15 minutes and then rinse off with cold water. This is very good in getting rid of blackheads.

    46. A solution made out of one and a half cups of hot water and half a tablespoon of boric powder is an ideal remedy for blackheads, Saturate a face napkin in this hot solution and press on to the skin, repeat twice. Extract blackheads carefully with a blackhead remover and sterilized cottonwool. Pat on an astrigent.

    47. Honey is a great remedy for skin blemishes and acne because the honey kills bacteria. - Submitted by ChelseaAny herbal/ home remedies to try %26amp; treat jawline acne?
    try tips on treating acne on this site
    hey you know what really works is calamine lotion buy a bottle cost about $3.00 and let it sit for a day and then pour out any excess water that's in it till its a thick paste put on before bed let dry and in the morning there gone it really works on the redness too!!!!
    Hi Andrea L my name is also Andrea L...Well I dont know how old you are but I am 29 and I have had problems with Jawline acne...If you have long hair and use hairspray it will cause this...If you sleep with your hand around your face you will get this...Acidophilus would reduce breakouts...You could also do an Herbal cleansing of the blood...A Liver that is not performing at its best can worsen acne because it cannot breakdown and clear excess hormones from the body as it should..Let me know if you would like more info.....
    I have that same problem. I started sleeping with one ponytail on top of my head and one very low ponytail so I can lay on the pillow comfortably. This keeps my hair off of my face when I sleep at night. I think the conditioner I use on my hair is breaking out my face. Also, never go to sleep without washing you face...even if its 2:00am.
    Try red apple cider vinegar.
    due to decline of human growth homone in your body you will basically see more problems occur, u need to increase your homone level it will helps to initiate that problem

    What is the best prescribed medicine the treat severe body acne?

    Mostly on my shoulders my doc. put me on doxycline and it cleared my face not my back ive been on it a month.What is the best prescribed medicine the treat severe body acne?
    Use topical skin treatments such as benzene peroxide, salicylic acid, or have a doctor prescribe anti-biotic medications such as tetracycline or accutane.What is the best prescribed medicine the treat severe body acne?
    the dermatologist! just go to one near you, and tell them your condition. its a skin doctor
    proactive sais its like # 1, but who doesnt... i tried it, it gave me a mild alergic reaction so i didnt continue... then i became 17, and my acne just dissapeared naturally... few years later, and soap and water in the shower works fine =)
    Changing your diet is possibly the best way to treat acne, rather than creams and potions and pills. Eat less fats and no sugars and plenty of fresh vegetables and salads.
    ACCUTANE!! And it works
    For body acne, Accutane is usually the best treatment because it is the only medication that provides long-term results. All other medications stop having results as soon as you stop using them. While Accutane can have significant side effects for some people, over two million people have taken this medication, and it provides long-term remission of acne for most/many of them.

    If the doxycycline has not cleared your body acne, you should return to your physician and report that it is not providing adequate relief and inquire about Accutane. (Topical medications are difficult to use on body acne because clothing rubs them off, so they are not very practical.) If your physician does not want to prescribe you with Accutane, inquire why -- and consider seeing a different doctor. Good luck!
    For those people who answered and said diet and soap

    Acne myths

    Contrary to popular belief acne is not caused by:

    * eating fatty food or chocolate

    * dirt - blackheads get their dark colour through excess skin pigment - not dirt so washing more does not help.

    Acne is caused by the overactivity of the sebaceous glands that secrete oily substances onto the skin.

    The sebaceous glands of people with acne are especially sensitive to normal blood levels of a hormone called testosterone, found naturally in both men and women.

    I know its not really answering your question but it really annoys me when people comment on something they have no idea about. I would offer what treatment I have been on but i'm a girl, so dianette wouldn't realy work on you :P but good luck anyways!!
    Accutane is really good. Tazorac is also supposed to be pretty good for body acne. It makes your face peel like MAD, but because the skin on the rest of your body is heartier, I've heard good things about using it on body acne.

    But something as simple as washing with an antibacterial soap might work. Lots of body washes clean up dirt, but not the bacteria that causes pimples.

    Oh, and drink lots of water. Water does wonderful things for the skin.

    Good luck!
    The best medicine out there is right in front of your face!

    two words


    no medicine can CURE anything it merely covers it up. I promise you that if you eat right and exercise it will go away. Havent you noticed that your acne is worse when you eat worse?!

    Try Proactive... its seems to work good! And if it doesnt they will refund your money!

    Try to stay away from greesy/fried foods and drink tons of water!
    proactiv helped me so much but that accivine or whatever i have heard a lot about it
    clean %26amp; clear...duhhh
    I use soap and water but some people complain that it dries their face.
  • great makeup
  • What do you do to treat back acne?

    I am wondering if there is anything that i can do to prevent it, stop it, and also does anyone know if proactiv can be used on your back?What do you do to treat back acne?
    dont try proactiv on ur back. i did and it made it worse and it also burned. i gave up and had to go to the dermatologist. and they gave me stuff for it and it is seriously looking a lot better after just a week!What do you do to treat back acne?
    All acne has the same cause and should be treated in the same manner. The fastest and arguably most efficient way to get rid of acne for good is detoxification.

    Acne is an internal problem that translates into skin inflammations and eruptions in the form of acne. This is why skin treatments are not the best solution for acne, but natural remedies can be. I would recommend eating lots of fruit and drinking lots of water.

    However, It has been widely reported that ';apple-fasting'; (a detox method) is the fastest natural way to cure acne. Many of my readers have reported their acne clearing up in just days while apple-fasting. And unlike other treatments, acne is unlikely to return once the body has been completely detoxified. One of my readers was so impressed with one of the popular apple-fast acne solutions that he wrote about his experiences below. If you've got time, take a look...鈥?/a>
    exfoliation helps alot!

    but don't over do it, be gentle or it'll get all inflamed

    use a soft hair bristled scrub, not one of the plastic one, use a natural brown ones and exfoliate everyday in the shower

    that aside, keeping the area clean and use aloe vera gel on the spots, its gentler than most acne creams
    I have had bad acne for many many years and trust me it was a real pain for me...i hated it terribly!

    I have been on MANY products such as proactiv(which when you finish using it brings out the pimples worst), neatrogena,clearasil, ambi and many more!

    None of them worked for me because when i finished using the proactiv which was a waste of my money the pimples came back out soooooo much worst than it was in the beginning!

    I went to my dermatologist last month and he introduced me to Acne MD 2 . I decided to use it, and i am NOT disappointed at all with the excellent results that I have.

    I have been using it for a month so far and within the first 2 days i had seen results..the pimples were disappearing(that's what we all want right?)

    Its easy and stress free and best of all...Brings results!

    You will not be disappointed if you try this product.

    Use it and see for yourself! Free trial at


    This treatment last for about 7 years or longer. :)
    Prevention is the way to go, treating acne outbreaks just costs tons of money and time. Read this book it tells you lifestyle changes to make so you can prevent back acne from ever coming back.
    well for one you can just wash with regular soap to clean the skin of oil...or you can buy various skin treatments like neutrogena, clean and clear, etc...proactiv should work. Because if you can use it on your face it should be fine for your back
    use soap , soap is good and proactive makes things worse before it makes it better

    so start out usin soap and neutrogena really helps

    Help! What are good ways to treat acne ?

    I recently went to Figi with my parents. Im 13 years old and i have got zits but after i got home i have gotten alot more ! the weather there was really hot so i started to break out. and i have to go to a wedding as the flower girl in 3 days! help what are some ways to make the zit and pimples or acne to wear down??Help! What are good ways to treat acne ?
    Acutain if it runs in your family to have very very severe acne.Help! What are good ways to treat acne ?
    If you only have 3 days...a dermatolgist can extract the white heads and inject the pimples with a steroid that zaps the zit overnight and you wouldn't even know you had it. I've had this done and it's the absolute fastest way to treat pimples. If you can't get to a dermatolgist, find a sulfur mask. I think there are some over the counter masks with sulfur in it.
    Don't get a prescription, I thought that would help me out but it actually just made me feel sick alll the time. Get a good deep cleanser, and then nice toning cream and put it on your face after you clean it, before you go to bed. I've been doing that and my acne doesn't completely vanish in that amount of time but it wares it down pretty well. Makes it less noticeable, good luck! :)
    Since you only have 3 days, a doctor isnt the answer, just for now atleast. I have stridex pads and spot treatment. You use the Stridex pads to clean your face then use the spot treatment on your zits, in 3 days..your zits will be pretty dried out.
    Use face wash, and pimple/acne cream. I use Neutragena face wash and Clean and clear acne cream. You could use cover up or some make up that is your skin tone to cover them up, thats what i always do when I'm in a crisis like yours!
    The combination of Tea Tree Oil soap and the Clindamycin cream is the best for Acne and pimple. These work wonders. Maybe it will work on you too.

    Try searching it through Google 'shopaholic's bargains'
    i always put toothpaste on any pimples before i go to bed, and then wipe it off in the morning. it dries them out and helps to get rid of them faster
    Go to your doctor, and get them to write you a prescription. I got a prescription, and it works really good.
    try proactive or the wave also wash your face in nutragina every morning ,afternoon,evening.

    Good Luck
    i would recommend going to the dermatologist if it's bothering you a lot. hope that helps!
    go to the dermotoligist and get some samples of facial cream to help zits
    proactive solution

    How to treat a single acne cyst?

    I do not have health insurance at the moment, so are there any store brand or home remedies to make a single acne cyst on my face go away faster or to clear it up at all? I have left over steroid cream, could that work or benzoyl peroxide?How to treat a single acne cyst?
    There is this new popular cream that people have been talking about.

    It was even televised on TV.

    It prevents future and existing acne, diminishes scars, and lightens skin and blemishes. Fast results too! (It has been claimed that major results can be seen within a week and no later than two weeks)

    Before and After photos are available at the given ebay site.

    This person is providing 1-3 week trial samples (Only for ONE DOLLAR.. definitely a deal) on ebay at:

    Search up ';best acne solution ever'; on ebay.

    First 100 customers can get the item for $1 for one week trial and up to 3 weeks. Or you can buy the whole container for $160

    It's expensive, but the product DOES work.

    My sister and cousin who both have major acne have tried the product and they both give it thumbs up. I have also heard many great feedbacks about this cream.

    I don't have a problem with acne, but it seems to have great results on my sister who has moderate to severe acne. Her acne swelling went away overnight.

    I hope this helps. =)How to treat a single acne cyst?
    By google to collect some related information or you may try using answer engines like yahoo answer or to get some related ideas.nonetheless,If you prefer some direct resource,here

    is a good one from my own experience.
    I used to have horrible acne I can't even tell you how bad it was. I found www.StopMyAcne.Info and bought it it seriously cured my acne.

    Like seriouslyits gone . I don't even have one pimple

    After using this I can't believe it's only cheap and after you use it you won't either hahaThe trips I took to the dermatologist cost me WAY more than that lol and the CRAP they gave me just made my acne worse~!!!!! uhggg... lol

    Oh and it also guarantees it will cure your acne in 3 days or your money back.

    Anyway I hope this helps!

    Diana xxx

    Does the Navy treat acne in boot camp?

    This seems to be a question that nobody can answer so far... My recruiter doesn't know neither does the Chief in my district of recruiting. Do they allow face wash in boot camp if I bring it? If not, will they treat my condition? I'm going AIRR and am very excited. Does the Navy treat acne in boot camp?
    Ah, a young SAR PUP... You will be able to purchase non-prescription treatments at the Exchange within the first few days.

    GOOD LUCKDoes the Navy treat acne in boot camp?
    Are you serious? This should be the least of your worries. Who cares if you've got a few volcanoes on your nose while your training. Don't worry about that pretty little face and learn your job while your there. Too many Soldiers. . probably Sailors and Airmen too come out of training not knowing jack because they didn't pay attention.
    Yes you can bring face wash. At some point in boot you will go to the xchange as well
    wow that jacob G guy is a straight up jerk. dont let his b.s. get you down, bud.

    What is a sensitive face wash that will still treat acne?

    Thanks =)What is a sensitive face wash that will still treat acne?
    First of all,for sensitive skin and blemished skin,all you need is a skincare products that has a complete set including cleanser,toner and moisturizer since these 3 steps are essential to combat blemishes and improve skin sensitivity.For this,I would recommend you to try Clinique 3 Steps For Blemish Skin since it has the complete set where you could cleanse,tone and moisturize your face twice daily.You could see improvements in 3 weeks and more improvements would follow soon.

    You could also opt for Dermalogica products or Murad products since it works best for blemishes and yet it works gentle on your skin.Get a skin analysis in their outlets and you will configure the right skincare products for your skin type.I would suggest you to try Clinique though since it works best for your skin.Hope I helped(:What is a sensitive face wash that will still treat acne?
    I am 39 years old and have very sensitive skin, and because of that I had been using fragrance-free and chemical free products. I always thought I looked pretty young until I saw a picture of myself at 29. OMG! After doing some research I decided to try the Made from Earth skin care line - based upo Report Abuse

    Honestly, i don't think there really is a ';sensitive'; acne solution. I recommend Proactiv. It does make your skin uuber dependent (once you stop using it you'll regret it) and does dry your skin out, but to me, it's worth everything. It clears my skin up REALLY quickly. If my skin becomes too dry, all i have to do is wear a moisturizing mask that night.
    Aveeno foaming cleanser from the clear complexion line. I just switched to this and ALWAYS when I switch to a new cleanser it burns my face the first few times, but not this one.

    How to treat acne for cats?

    YES, cats can get acne!

    Some vets think that plastic food and water bowls can contribute to acne and they tell you to switch to either stainless steel or glass bowls. This didn't work for us but a friend said it helped their cat.

    Our Simon had a few outbreaks of acne and the vet recommended Stridex pads.

    He said to clean Simon's chin a couple of times a day with the Stridex pads. It seems to do the job, the acne cleared up in a few days.

    I'd check with your vet before you use Stridex or any other type of medicine on your cat's acne.

    We were told Stridex was completely safe but if I were you, I'd double check on it.

    First, however, you want to make sure what you're seeing is actually acne and not something less - a vet visit is probably in order.How to treat acne for cats?
    Chin acne in cats is treated just like acne in people. Get some Stridex pads, and wipe his chin with it every other day. Rinse with some water after, to get any residue off. If you're using plastic bowls, that is the cause. The plastic harbors bacteria, and it gets on the chin and causes the blackheads and bumps. Use stainless steel or ceramic bowls, and be sure to run the through the dishwasher or wash them like you would your own dinner dishes. If the Stridex won't clear it up, then the vet will usually give you antibiotics and something stronger to clear it up. If it gets inflamed or looks infected, then a trip to the vet is in order, but the Stridex generally clears it up.How to treat acne for cats?
    Cats can indeed develop acne, and it has nothing to do with age or gender. Kittens and older cats, male and female -- feline acne does not discriminate. And while cats with immune issues may be prone to it, the condition has been known to develop in completely healthy cats too.

    If you notice that your cat has lesions on his chin and/or lower lip, or there is swelling there, feline acne may be present. It can also show itself as crusted reddish sores or dark brown comedones. Those things that look like zits on your cats chin?

    Let's face it, your cat doesn't have to get up in the morning and go to work, he doesn't have to deal with dirty looks from the girl at the checkout counter, and he definitely doesn't have to worry about impressing a date with a flawless complexion. A flawless coat of fur maybe, but not a flawless complexion. If your cat isn't experiencing any complications from the acne, just let it be.

    If, however, the cat itches a lot or secondary infections develop, you may need to have him or her treated by a vet. Typical signs of complication include severe swelling, itching and/or discharge from affected areas. Topical therapy may be recommended to treat severe feline acne.


    1Rinse a clean wash cloth with warm water and add a mild antibacterial soap. Your veterinarian can recommend a soap if you aren't sure which soaps are safe.

    Step2Scrub your cat's chin gently with the soapy cloth. Expect the black spots to flake off during this process.

    Step3 Rinse the wash cloth with warm water to remove the soap and wash off the soapy area of your cat's chin.

    Step4Dry your cat's chin with a soft cloth.

    Step5Repeat cleaning steps twice daily for optimal results.

    Step6Consult your veterinarian if the condition doesn't improve within a week or so of treating at home. Your veterinarian may recommend treatment with benzyl peroxide gel or pads in addition to using an antibiotic to prevent infection, depending on the severity of your cat's condition.
    If the cat will let you, hold a warm compress on the chin for 10-15 minutes twice daily until all of the pimples are gone.

    Also, What kind of bowls does the cat eat out of? If they're plastic, get rid of them, and buy ceramic or stainless steel bowls. Once you get your new bowls, wash them regularly to keep gunk and bacteria from building up. This will help prevent the acne from coming back.

    If these basic instructions don't help, see your veterinarian. If the acne is bad enough, they may prescribe oral antibiotics or topical ointments to help the pustules clear up.
    There is an anti-biotic lotion that you can get for your cat. Make an appointment at the vet, or if you cannot afford this, just give the vet a call, and ask about what they would suggest! Most veteranarians are in the business for the animals, not the money, so I'm sure they would be more than willing to help you out with this situation.

    We changed the bowls that they eat out of. The vet thought that this might have been the problem, and after we changed the bowls and put the ointment on the acne, my cat was fine! Hasnt come back since!
    I just had my cat to the vet for this on Tuesday.

    3 of my cats developed it within a week, we took the worst one to start.

    Hers was very itchy but when she scratched it she would cry. He gave her an antibiotic shot and said to wipe the area with Stridex pads.

    He sent antibiotics home with me for the other 2 (Amoxicillin liquid) and said to use the Stridex pads on their chins as well.
    go here and there are links there to help you.鈥?/a>
    there isnt such a thing as cat acne, but if you have another cat or dog, they are little tiny scratch marks from a little tiff. hold a warm washcloth on the cats infected areas and pat for 2-3 min, then lightly dab on vitamin e oil with a cuetip or a cotton pad, but not a cotton ball - those get stuck to the cut and the oil. thats what my vet told e to do, and now, you dont have to pay for the same info. no fair! jk. :)
    Oh. please. there is no such thing!!
  • great makeup
  • How do you treat cat acne/dirty chin?


    Treatment of cases of feline acne and stud tail involves removal of excess sebum and hence prevention of comedone formation and secondary infection. An antibacterial surgical scrub, such as chlorhexidine, can initially be used for this purpose two or three times daily. In mild cases no further treatment is necessary, but in cases showing extensive secondary infection, antibiotic therapy, preferably selected on the basis of bacterial culture and sensitivity tests, will be required.

    Topical preparations are of very limited value for severe cases because they are soon licked or cleaned off by the patient, and antibiotics should be given orally for four to six weeks. Severe cases may also be treated with steroids to reduce the inflammation. Keeping the acne at bay may require clipping and daily application of chlorhexidine. Other treatments which have been tried include mupirocin (Bactroban - a human drug not licenced for use in cats). Topical retinoids may be considered for long term control of a mild case. Supplementation with essential fatty acids (evening primrose oil/fish oil) orally on a daily basis has been reported to help some cases. Most cases respond satisfactorily but some cases with serious secondary infection may require prolonged treatment.

    There may be recurrence and in some cases the only method of controlling the excessive sebum secretion is to continue daily cleansing indefinitely.

    Occasionally acne is associated with fungal infections including dematophytosis (ringworm) and, rarely, with demodectic mange.


    In some cats with a tendency to chin acne, the use of ceramic or metal feeding dishes, instead of plastic ones, may help to prevent the problem from recurring or deteriorating. Chin acne is sometimes more severe in cats which are messy feeders, so scrupulous attention to hygiene after meals, or a change to food which can be eaten more neatly, may help to reduce the problem.

    For a mild case you can simply use a mild soap and water to wash the affected area and then apply vitamin E oil.How do you treat cat acne/dirty chin?
    I use glass bowls -- they are inexpensive and easy to wash. I wash mine daily and use fresh, filtered water to fill them.How do you treat cat acne/dirty chin?
    There's not a whole lot that needs to be done.

    Your vet can give you an antibiotic cream that you can apply to avoid infection when those little scabby bumps come off, and that's about it. Do get the cream, since an infection would be much worse than the acne, and the chin isn't a very clean spot so it's an easy place to get infected.

    Prevention is usually easy, too. Cats often get chin acne from eating and drinking out of plastic or ceramic bowls. Those materials tend to retain tiny amounts of food residue. The solution is stainless steel food and drinking bowls. You can find them at pet stores.

    If kitty is already using stainless steel bowls, then I have no further ideas, other than to get a good supply of antibiotic cream...
    First thing is to change from plastic bowls (if you use them) to either ceramic or stainless steel since this is the most common way for cats to contract acne. If it's not too bad and not infected, wash the area several times a day with basic soap and water-making sure to rinse thoroughly-and it should resolve itself with time, but if you do see signs of infection, get your cat to the vet for some antibiotics.

    Good luck to you and your kitty!

    Can a wart freezing product be used to treat acne? know, like Dr Scholl's Freeze Away. could that be used on a sizable piple to kill bacteria, and get rid of it? as anyone tried or found something about it?

    thanksCan a wart freezing product be used to treat acne?
    absolutley not - you could permanently scar yourself - a wart and a pimple are two completely different things. freezing a wart isn't about killing bacteria - it is about literally killing the wart, which is actually a small tumor.Can a wart freezing product be used to treat acne?
    I would not recommend that you do that.

    My friend said that crushed advil helps treat acne ?

    how would i crush the pill ? [stupid question] and how would i apply it to my face ?My friend said that crushed advil helps treat acne ?
    dont do that .I am sure your friend means well but its a bad idea.They have acne stuff for acne .find what works for you.Aso always use a oil free product on your faceMy friend said that crushed advil helps treat acne ?
    If you have cystic acne, you have hard, painful nodules that are inflamed. Taking advil orally may reduce the size of the nodule by reducing the inflammation.

    Just take it every 4-6 hours for a day or two. If you don't see a difference, your acne may not be responsive to anti-inflammatory meds. Report Abuse

    the only thing thing that will help your acne is if you stop being such a nerd..

    peace and love

    tiffany fiske

    What is the best way to treat and prevent acne breakouts?

    What is the best way to treat the scars so that they'll be less visible?What is the best way to treat and prevent acne breakouts?
    they actually have scar revisions out there,at stores like wallmart..usally they are in the health section or if its back acne then you could probably use the same stuff they use for acne scars that you can find in the same isle as face wash..What is the best way to treat and prevent acne breakouts?
    get lucus papaw ointment!! its fantastic! wash ur fash everynight and then put it on ur problem areas when u are going to sleep! itll clear up those pimples over night!
    Go to Zellers. They have something called SOLUGEL. It is the best!!!! I had breakouts like any other teen, and put Solugel on the zit before I go to bed every night. It takes about 3-5 days of using it, and voila, it's cleared. It may cause dry skin because it is strong.

    How can I treat acne on my derriere (butt cheeks)?

    with any luck, it will just go away. (seriously, who's gonna look there?)How can I treat acne on my derriere (butt cheeks)?
    If you live in a place that has the body shop they have a tea tree line and there is a body cleanser that should work. The facial cleanser works miracles so you should try the body wash.How can I treat acne on my derriere (butt cheeks)?
    That's disgusting. Go see a damn dermatologist.
    believe it or not peroxide works semi well

    Is it possible to treat mild cystic acne without Accutane?

    I have just a few very small cystic spots on my nose. They don't hurt, and they don't stand out in a particularly noticeable way. However, they've been there for a while, and I'd really like to treat it without using Accutane.

    I'd appreciate any ideas, homemade remedies, and the like. Thanks!Is it possible to treat mild cystic acne without Accutane?
    I worked for a dermatologist for six years, and am now a medical professional as well. Let me tell ya...Accutane is serious and for people with serious acne. However, it is overly used because people in general are so concerned with just one pimple. I won't go into depth about how severe Accutane is, because you obviously want to use something different, but is a very strong drug.

    Truly cystic acne is typically painful. Are you sure it's cystic? Cystic ane is deep and usually a hard knot under the surface of the skin. Very rarely is there ever a pustule that appears on it (usually do not appear until it's almost gone anyway). If it is truly cystic, do not squeeze it. These forms of acne have ';roots'; and will only grow larger upon mashing or squeezing them.

    Do not use any form of scrub on your face, if you have active pimples or acne. You may use a scrub if you have blackheads. Otherwise, scrubs break the skin and spread bacteria over the rest of your face, which in turn causes acne to spread.

    Probably the most effective active ingredient in acne products, benzoyl peroxide kills P. acnes, helps remove excess oils from the skin and removes dead skin cells that clog pores. It is available in strengths from 2.5 percent to 10 percent, but it can cause excessive dryness, scaling, redness and minor swelling. It can also make your skin more sensitive to ultraviolet (UV) exposure.

    Salicylic acid is an ingredient that slows shedding of cells inside the hair follicles, which prevents the pores from clogging. It may also break down whiteheads (clogged pores that have no opening) and blackheads (pores that are open and have a dark surface). Salicylic acid can cause mild stinging and skin irritation. OTC acne products are available with 0.5 percent to 2 percent salicylic acid.

    There are other products with other ingredients as well, but these two are the most common in OTC medications and the most effective.

    Here are some other ways to avoid acne breakouts:

    -Avoid oily cosmetics, sunscreens and hair products. Instead use products labeled ';oil-free'; or ';noncomedogenic,'; which means they won't clog pores.

    -Wash problem areas twice daily with a nonmedicated soap or mild cleanser. But don't overdo it. Excessive washing and scrubbing can worsen acne.

    -Apply just enough acne product to cover the problem areas.

    -Use an oil-free, water-based moisturizer to help alleviate dry, peeling skin.

    -Don't pick or squeeze blemishes. Infection or scarring may result.

    **Treating acne with acne products takes time and patience. It may take four to six weeks of daily use of acne products to see results, and acne may look worse before it gets better. If your acne doesn't improve after two months of treatment, you may want to see your doctor or dermatologist for a prescription lotion or medication (which does not have to be Accutane).

    There are tons of prescription medications out there that are extremely helpful and not nearly as severe as Accutane. If it is truly cystic acne, this is considered a type of Grade IV acne and is usually only completely treated by a dermatologist. You may want to try your own approach at home, using OTC meds, first, but if you keep getting the nodules, please see a doctor.Is it possible to treat mild cystic acne without Accutane?
    There is this new popular cream that people have been talking about.

    It was even televised on TV.

    It prevents future and existing acne, diminishes scars, and lightens skin and blemishes. Fast results too! (It has been claimed that major results can be seen within a week and no later than two weeks)

    Before and After photos are available at the given ebay site.

    This person is providing 1-3 week trial samples (Only for ONE DOLLAR.. definitely a deal) on ebay at:

    Search up ';best acne solution ever'; on ebay.

    First 100 customers can get the item for $1 for one week trial and up to 3 weeks. Or you can buy the whole container for $160

    It's expensive, but the product DOES work.

    My sister and cousin who both have major acne have tried the product and they both give it thumbs up. I have also heard many great feedbacks about this cream.

    I don't have a problem with acne, but it seems to have great results on my sister who has moderate to severe acne. Her acne swelling went away overnight.

    I hope this helps. =)
    Here are a few tips that will help you know how to treat acne at home.

    1. If you have red angry looking acne, don't touch it. If you squeeze now, all you'll do is force the contents deeper into the skin that will make matters worst. And all you'll end up with is redder, angrier acne than you had before. Don't do it.

    2. If you have a yellow custard top? Go for it. These beauties CAN be squeezed but there's an art to it. Here's how. Wash your hands thoroughly to avoid trouble and infection. Put a tissue over your finger. Why? Because you want the contents of the spot on the tissue, not splattered all over the mirror. Using the side of your thumb and the end of your finger, very gently start to squeeze. Don't whatever you do, use your nails as this will damage your skin. Stop when you're applying a lot of pressure and nothing is happening and you see clear fluid, rather than yellow grotty stuff and the spot begins to bleed. When you've finished dab it with antiseptic. Once the custard bit is out, the spot will heal more quickly than an unsqueezed yellow top would, providing that you now leave it well alone. Now wash your hands again.

    3. Whiteheads and blackheads. If acne is left untreated they may cause this problem. Here the rule is if they're black, squeeze but if they're small, white raised lumps leave them alone. All that stuff about clean hands, tissues and stopping if nothing is happening or you see blood, apply here too.
    there are a few things that you can use, google each one and read up on it and see which one you want to try.

    Jojoba Oil - works very well, contains fatty acids that unclog pores cost $6.99-$13.99, lucky has it the cheapest, I get the NOW brand 16oz

    10% Sulfur Soap - good for oily skin cost $1.19 CVS

    Calamine Lotion - good for drying out a pimp or two and good for the skin, contains zinc oxide cost $3.99-$5.99 RITE AID OR CVS

    unRefined Coconut Oil - I've read that this does close to miracles for acne skin and makes the skin smoother, I have not tried this but every review I've read has said that it works great, I would try this on a small area of your skin before you put the oil on your whole face and see if it works for you, they have the oil at whole foods for about $7-$8 Make sure it's unrefined coconut oil

    queen helene Mint Julep Masque - works for oily skin and drying up and washing away blackheads, cost is $3-$4 at CVS

    a great web site to read reviews about all the above is and find over the counter reviews or just type each one in or google like coconut oil reviews on google and one of the 1st should be…

    or buy an acne blue light, I have one and works great here's a link…
    Yes, be glad you don't have severe cystic acne. Benzoyl peroxide is probably the best thing to use to treat it. You might want to give this regimen a try:

    Hope this works for you if you try it :)
  • great makeup
  • How do you treat toddler acne?

    My 19 month old son has broken out in small white and red bumps on his cheeks, arms and thighs. They have been there for over a month but are not bothersome at all. Any ideas on how I can get rid of this????How do you treat toddler acne?
    It may be from the heat. My in laws all get it in the summer and my daughter does too. Aquapher (i think the spelling is right) works really well for acne. You can try this but if it doesn't work then it is probably from the heat and should go away after summer.How do you treat toddler acne?
    Easy, think about what you did differently and then go back to before.

    Did you change soap? Shampoo? (it runs down the body), laundry soap? New bedding? New fertilizer? (they roll in grass/dirt a lot) Basically, Whatever his skin touches could cause him to have the bumps. Think about it and eliminate the issue, in a few days, he should go back to normal.
    Mhm, sounds like heat rash. Make sure he's wearing cotton fabrics and that he doesn't chafe.

    Like if he's wet and he still walks around in his drying clothes, It'll aggitate.

    And just change his diaper regularly I guess?
    I would not consider that acne. It is something else, maybe an allergic reaction. I would see a doctor. It could be keratosis.
    They are just from the heat they will go away later.

    What is the best home made way to treat acne???I have sensitiveskin.?

    A nice FAQ located at this website鈥?/a>What is the best home made way to treat acne???I have sensitiveskin.?
    wash your face in the morning... just a guess

    How do I treat Infant Acne on my 3 1/2 week old baby?

    The Dr. told me there is nothing I can do.....but there must be something other than just using baby wash on it. Its on her face, and a little on her back.How do I treat Infant Acne on my 3 1/2 week old baby?
    baby's skin is so sensitive...the best thing you can do is just keep her face acne goes away pretty fast and it can be caused by so many things: heat, chapped from cold, sensitivity, or just from baby's new non-amniotic fluid environment...and i bet you no one notices but you!

    -hbbHow do I treat Infant Acne on my 3 1/2 week old baby?
    u cant it goes away on its own and whatever u do DO NOT USE THAT CLEAN%26amp;CLEAR or CLEARISAL stuff
    It will go away soon, it is milk bumps, not acne. if the babies skin dries out then use baby moisterizing cream or lotion.
    it should go away on it own but make sure to ask doc that that is what it is what it is and if you see any iteration then put some lotion on face bc my baby's got dry
    im a mother of 2 and both of my babies had the same infant acne. trust your doc it will go away do not put anything on it their skins are too sensitive ans the only thing that will happen if you do is burn your babies face. be patient i know how annoying that can be casue u want your baby looking perfect but its for his/her own good. good luck! and congradulations on your new baby!
    Unfortunately there is nothing you can do. Please listen to your pediatrician. It will go away within a few weeks. I always just used warm water on my son's baby acne and nothing else. I didn't want to further irritate his skin.
    You don't. It will go away. Life is not a beautycontest...
    use Aquaphor - it's not a perscription medicine and you can buy it at any pharmacy or big chain store- but other than that you can't do anything because it's hormones left over from mommy flushing themselves out of baby's system
    It will go away on its own. The last thing you want to do is use some harsh acne stuff on your baby's delicate skin. Most babies go through this.
    Most likely your little one just has Milia, which are little white bumps that are just some leftover hormones... most ALL newborn babies have this and will go away on their own in a few weeks.

    Don't EVER pick on them or use adult acne medication. It can make it worse. Just keep it clean, leave it alone and it will go away.

    I have 4 children - 17, 9, 7, and 5 months.

    If you're still worried, take a look at this website.
    Don't worry about it! That is completely normal and if you pick at it you will hurt your baby and make it worse. There are many skin conditions that come with newborns that are completely common. Here is a sight that I found. Good luck :)鈥?/a>
    You just leave it alone. It will clear up, I promise =)
    i used a little of that desitin clear on my sons acne rash and it seemed to help a lot especial with the prevention of new breakouts.
    All babies should get that early on. Just don't touch it or it will irritate it. Leave it alone and it will go away.
    There is nothing you can or should do. The infant acne is from your hormones leaving his body. It will clear up on it's own. You don't want to be using harsh products on you baby's sensitive skin.
    Baby acne is perfectly normal and I wouldn't expect it to clear up sooner than a month or two. There isn't anything you can do, the baby's skin is adjusting to being outside the womb. The best thing you can do is keep her clean, and bathe her regularly. My daughter also has it, but keeping it clean seems to keep outbreaks from happening. Warm water for sure, and some baby wash on her back. I'd avoid washing her face with anything that might have detergent in it, since it might make it worse. Just hang in there, I'm sure she's beautiful even with the little whiteheads!
    I am sure it will go away, listen to your Dr.
    All baby's go thru that, at least my daughter did and things are fine now. All I did was bath her like normal and wash her face. I should go away, just give it time. If you wash to much she'll get dry skin and it may crack. Give it a little time..

    What are some good acne facial cleansers that treat tiny acne bumps very well?

    I just want some suggestions pls....If you don't know any products can you give me advice on getting rid of these annoying tiny acne bumps

    All Help Will Be Greatly Appreciated

    Thank You! ^_^What are some good acne facial cleansers that treat tiny acne bumps very well?
    I am a Registered Nurse and I specialize in skin care and teen acne.

    Your question is very broad and you need to get professional advice. I will explain why it's a broad question!

    Your age plays a role! How old are you? Do you always have breakouts or just before your menstrual cycle?

    If you are a teenager ( which I assume that you are) your hormones play a definite role in your breakouts.

    If you have severe breakouts than you might need medication. There are many factors.

    The most important thing is that you need products that are AGE APPROPRIATE! Every age group has different products appropriate for them. If you are young than you need milder products as to not dry out your beautiful young skin.

    The problem with commercial skin products is that they are manufactured for MASSES OF PEOPLE and are not specifically made for different peoples' needs.

    Your skin type is different than mine and your age differs from mine so how is it logical that we both use the same skin product for breakouts. We need different strengths of cleansers and toners. Do you kind of understand what I am getting at?

    Here is my STRONG SUGGESTION for you. I refer all my students and patients to this website:

    You need to consult with professionals and on this website YOU CAN ASK QUESTIONS FOR FREE AND A SKIN EXPERT/PHYSICIAN WILL ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS. It would be a shame if you dont take advantage of this free service.

    Lastly, they have incredible products for breakouts and they make them specifically for every kind of skin type. That means that if your breakouts are more severe than mine, than while we both will buy the same product yours will have stronger ingredients than mine will.

    They have a mild glycolic acid cleanser that's great for your type of skin and also a DRYING LOTION ( I have 3 bottles) that you put directly on your breakouts and the next day it's gone. It's truely magic in a bottle.

    A basic guideline for properly taking care of your skin is this ( now if you're a young girl you will need fewer products than this):

    Night time:

    1. Exfoliate the skin

    2. Mild Glycolic Acid Cleanser

    3. Mild Glycolic Acid Toner ( cleans off the excess debris and balances the PH level of the skin).

    4. Drying Lotion used only on breakouts

    5. Moisturizer


    1. Mild Glycolic Acid Cleanser

    2. Moisturizing cream

    The above is a standard you may need to only use one or two products. Viisit the website I suggested and click on the ASK FOR FREE section send them an email and you will get free expert skin care advice.

    Good Luck to you,

    MichelleWhat are some good acne facial cleansers that treat tiny acne bumps very well?
    I have 2 ideas clearasil just dont use the pads use the one with exfoliating micro beads or here is a home remedy take honey and sugar honey to allow the other things to soak in well and suger to exfoliate and then add 1 egg i forget what the egg does but it wonderful for your skin and this will last you about 2 or 3 days add like 2 tbsp of honey and then like 3 tbsp of sugar and that will help
    THis is a little different, but if you have little acne bumps, you can use tea tree oil to dry them up. Just pour a little on a q-tip and dab it on problem areas.

    It's available at grocery stores and pharmacies.
    Use toothpaste, believe it or not if you leave a mint toothpaste covering any problem areas for a few hours at night your zits will be gone completely in the morning. Ive never tried it myself, but i heard that bleachs works fairly quick as well.
    I am not sure about any of the other face washes but for a daily face wash apricotscrub works pretty well. It is a Swiss thingy if you have never heard of it.

    Proactiv Solution


    Any Neutrogena Face Wash


    Use the Neutrogena Wave to remove makeup.
    Try the AcneFree 3 step system....i tried it cuz i had alot of acne and my entire skin was cleared in just 3 DAYS!! Ill give u the link :)
    Eminence organic skincare the best investment you will ever make. google it

    Does triple antbiotic ointment treat acne marks?

    someone told me something bout this ointment but is it true ?can it remove acne marks and scars?

    Does triple antbiotic ointment treat acne marks?
    I am a Registered Nurse and I specialize in skin care and teen acne.

    The answer to your question is NO!

    After 12 years in this profession I find that most of my patients who deal with acne or brekout problems DO NOT SEE RESULTS from commercial products sold at drung stores or the mall. They usually contain too much benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid or sulfur which tends to OVER DRY the skin and cause itching or irritations.

    Also, home remedies such as lemon juice or alcohol or toothpaste SHOULD NEVER BE USED because they cause small tears in the skin and leave the skin more susceptible to bacteria that causes pimples or acne.

    Your question is very broad and you need to get professional advice. I will explain why it's a broad question!

    Your age plays a role! Do you always have breakouts?

    However, acne can result from several factors such an increase in hormone levels. In males testosterone or androgens. In females, androgens respectively. The increase in androgen levels can stimulate the oil glands to become enlarged and thus more oil production is produced. An increased oil production can clog the pores with oil or sebum ( white thick substance) which cause the cell walls of the pores in the skin to breakdown. This process allows bacteria to form and thus breakouts develop.

    Genetics may also be a cause. It is a myth that greasy food or chocolate causes breakouts.

    However, using make-up sponges that are not changed or washed often can contaminate the pores with bacteria which may develop into acneic breakouts.

    Teenagers going through hormonal and growth changes are prone to acne.

    If you have severe breakouts than you might need medication. There are many factors.

    The most important thing is that you need products that are AGE APPROPRIATE! Every age group has different products appropriate for them. If you are young than you need milder products as to not dry out your beautiful young skin.

    The problem with commercial skin products is that they are manufactured for MASSES OF PEOPLE and are not specifically made for different peoples' needs.

    Your skin type is different than mine and your age differs from mine so how is it logical that we both use the same skin product for breakouts. We need different strengths of cleansers and toners. Do you kind of understand what I am getting at?

    Here is my STRONG SUGGESTION for you. I refer all my students and patients to this website:

    You need to consult with professionals and on this website YOU CAN ASK QUESTIONS FOR FREE AND A SKIN EXPERT/PHYSICIAN WILL ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS. It would be a shame if you dont take advantage of this free service.

    Lastly, they have incredible products for breakouts and they make them specifically for every kind of skin type. That means that if your breakouts are more severe than mine, than while we both will buy the same product yours will have stronger ingredients than mine will.

    They have a mild glycolic acid cleanser that's great for your type of skin and also a DRYING LOTION ( I have 3 bottles) that you put directly on your breakouts and the next day it's gone. It's truely magic in a bottle.

    A basic guideline for properly taking care of your skin is this ( now if you're a young girl you will need fewer products than this):

    Night time:

    1. Exfoliate the skin

    2. Mild Glycolic Acid Cleanser

    3. Mild Glycolic Acid Toner ( cleans off the excess debris and balances the PH level of the skin).

    4. Drying Lotion used only on breakouts

    5. Moisturizer


    1. Mild Glycolic Acid Cleanser

    2. Moisturizing cream

    The above is a standard you may need to only use one or two products. Visit:

    As I suggested and click on the ASK FOR FREE section send them an email and you will get free expert skin care advice.

    Good Luck to you,

    MichelleDoes triple antbiotic ointment treat acne marks?

    Is Noxzema Deep Cleansing Cream, Original a good product to treat acne?

    i just want to know if is good to treat acne like whiteheads and pimples.Is Noxzema Deep Cleansing Cream, Original a good product to treat acne?

    It contains eucalyptus oil %26amp; other oils that do NOT help acne--they only clog pores up worse %26amp; aggravate acne.

    Use a cleanser with benzoyl peroxide (if you have lots of pimples: i.e. Benzac is a great wash) or salicylic acid (if you have lots of whiteheads: Neutrogena oil-free Acne Wash is a good example of this kind of wash).Is Noxzema Deep Cleansing Cream, Original a good product to treat acne?
    I would recommend Nutrogena. Another product that is very inexpensive and makes a great cleanser it Hydrogen Peroxide.

    Wet a cotton ball with the HP, clean your face then rinse. Look at the cotton ball when you are finished. You will be surprised how much dirt is on it.
    Noxzema might worsen your acne in my opinion if you have true acne but try it.
    yes it does work. I was using neutrogena products and it dried out my skin. it was horrible. my skin was dry,flaky, and getting really oily. i guess when the ksin is dry your skin produces too much oil. My mom used noxzema ever since she was a teenager, so i used hers and in a matter of days my skin got really clean, soft,and my pimples under the skin(which are the hardest to get rid of) went away!!.
    I didn't like it...Try Oil of Olay with Micro beads and acylic acid for Acne...It works for me and use make up that is clarifying...
    I know that best product to deal with whiteheads and other types of acne is ClearPores:鈥?/a>

    It's because you get 3 products acutally and deal the problem the right way.

    I don't know about Noxzema cleasing cream, even if it does work, it probably can't serve as a permanent solution. Acne is complicated problem and needs to be solved from the inside and out, because the bacteria that is stuck in pores is so deep that only single cleansing cream can't reach it.

    That's why I like ClearPores, their system is great and I like how they deal with acne permanently not like other companies that offer only cleansing creams. Which basically are good but don't kill the bacteria that remains deep inside. So even if your skin clears up after using a cleansing cream once your body's immune system weakens the acne is back because the bacteria multiplies and the whole process starts over.

    That's just my opinnion, based on years of experience as skin care consultant.

    Good Luck!
    I've never tried it. The only reason I'm answering is because I thought you should know...Neutrogena Oil Free Acne wash works best for me. I use it each day and it keeps me from breaking out.
    I love it, the pads are great too.
  • great makeup
  • What is the best remedy to treat acne?

    The following are some natural ways to get rid of the acne:

    1.The juice of one fresh lime added to a glass of boiled whole milk (a tsp. of glycerine may be added for dry skin) is excellent as a face wash for pimples blackheads, and the like, and for cracked skin.

    2. Garlic Juice with 3 parts water is an excellent cleansing agent. Raw garlic applied ( rubbed) on the face can make persistent pimples/acne even in adults disappear without a trace/scar with repeated applications. The external use of garlic helps to clear the skin of spots, pimples %26amp; boils. Taking 3-4 pods of raw, skinned garlic, finely cut, combined with puffed rice and swallowed with water helps to clear skin infections quickly. The raw smell of garlic can be avoided by first soaking the skinned pods for a half an hour in milk.

    3. 1 tsp. Groundnut oil mixed with an equal amt. of lime juice may be applied daily to prevent formation of blackheads, pimples etc.( Lime juice will break the moleculecular structure of groundnut oil into amino acids so that the skin does not absorb the oil.)

    4. 1 tsp. Honey mixed with water is good for all skin blemishes, and leaves the skin youthful %26amp; glowing. Honey mixed with milk, curds and ground sesame seeds in equal proportions is a sure formula for fair and lovely skin.

    5. Turmeric paste mixed with chana dal powder or whole wheat flour is very effective for all minor skin blemishes.

    These are some of food that might cause acne:

    Wheat and wheat products such as biscuits etc.

    White flour and refined flour

    Red meat (beef, lamb)

    Spicy food


    Ready meals















    Brewer's Yeast

    Baker's Yeast



    Wheat Bran

    Sesame etc.What is the best remedy to treat acne?鈥?/a>

    Ask a doctor for professional advices.What is the best remedy to treat acne?
    roaccutane. my sister takes it and her acne went away very quickly.
    drink lots of water. exercise. cut down on junks. mainly it's all about a good diet and a proper hygeine. and see your dermatologist. remember, don't treat yourself. it can cause more damage than you think.
    canesten hahaha
    drink lots of water
    Squeeze them!!!!!!!!!!
    To *** in your hands and wipe it on your face. No joke, it really gets rid of acne.