Monday, April 26, 2010

How do I treat bad acne quickly without Proactive?

NO PROACTIVE! I tried it, and my skin got itchy and dried it out. I'm only 12, yet I have bad acne. I have tons of blackheads in my nose, and there is a zit growing in between my eyebrows, on my chin, and a little one underneath my nose that hurts a tiny bit. My dad had really bad acne when he was a kid and always popped them, so it was hereditary and now my sister and I have it. I want something that will work, and KEEP on working. but i DO NOT want things like icolytome-whatever, cuz i dont have time or the resources to get things like that. I need brands and advice. Also, after I wash my face, i can see all these little yellow dry things on my cheeks, chin, and around my mouth, so how do i prevent that as well? i have cocoa butter, thatll work right?How do I treat bad acne quickly without Proactive?
I have had acne my whole life, treated with everything including accutane, with all the dry itchiness you are describing. i am 32 now. go immediately to the advice and lists here are unbelievable. i ordered the 2.5% benzoyl peroxide gel. it is much milder than any bp that you can get in the store. neutrogena onthe spot is 2.5% but still made my face SO dry and itchy, made me touch my face more. If you buy it you will not be disappointed. I would skip the cocoa butter (as most formulas will clog the pores). I use nothing on my body that doesn't say ';non-comeodegenic';. This means it won't clog pores. Be careful with all products b/c they will get on your face even if you think they won't.How do I treat bad acne quickly without Proactive?
There are many cheap and effective home remedies for acne. Tomato slices, turmeric, papaya juices and home made face packs will treat existing pimples and prevent further problems. More remedies at
Try Acne Free it is similar to Proactive less harsh and you can buy it at Wal Mart. there is another more hebal type out there along the same lines think it is called Natures Cure.
get some reversatrol from health food or vitamin catalog

take it three times per day for 6-8 weeks then once per day for ever google it it works and does lots of good things for you

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing! There are acne treatments that may and may not work for you.It is important to be assessed with your acne condition before having the best acne treatment which is always emphasized in You could visit the site to learn more information about acne curing and prevention. It really helps.
