Wednesday, December 30, 2009

What is the best way to treat feline acne?

Does your cat eat and drink from a plastic dish?

If so change to a stainless steel or glass dish and it will clear up. With plastic..after many washings the protective coating is washed away and this can cause the acne on the cats chin.

I had 5 cats and had this problem and changing the dishes cleared it up.What is the best way to treat feline acne?
my cat has had problems with this in the past, %26amp; a vet told me not to use plastic dishes for their food %26amp; water.

It's helped tremendously, but she still gets the occasional blackhead.What is the best way to treat feline acne?
I am not sure i know what that is, but if you are referring to a sort of dandruff that cats have, adding a spoon of olive oil per day in their meal helps.
Acne as in a pustular dermatitis? Feels like small scabs on the skin? If so read on-

This is typically caused by an atopic allergen, basically anything small enough to be inhaled which presents as skin lesions. I live in a very high allergen area and one of the top things I see cats in my clinic for is allergies. Typically it is a seasonal thing to deal with, unless it is someting indoors, they can be allergic to everything we can. Many will argue with treatment regimines but hands down Depo-medrol is the best treatment. Prolonged continuous use will decrease kidney function but periodic use is not damaging to that extent. Basically it is a steroid that redcuces the inflammation, it is given as an injection, about 10mg for a cat, and tends to work for upto 6 weeks. Often one shot will seem to last a year because it protects the cat during the allergen season. It is available in an oral form known as prednisone, which can prolong the effects. However not many people enjoy giving a cat a pill, haha.

So think back on the acne and if it tends to occur around the same time of year and yoiu may have your answer. Good luck
One of my cats had a problem with feline acne a while back. My vet prescribed an antibiotic that I gave him daily. He also told me that I could clean the affected area twice a day with benzoyl peroxide acne pads. Those can be found at any store. They are the same pads that people use for breakouts (Oxy, Clearasil,etc.). Just be sure that you get the ones with benzoyl peroxide as the active ingredient. The other kind will be to harsh for your kitty's skin. Definitely contact your vet about getting the antibiotic prescribed. If you do both, the acne should clear up fairly soon. Good luck!:)
Do you use plastic dishes for the cat's food or water? If so, switch to glass, ceramic, or stainless steel bowls, and wash them regularly, and the acne should clear up. You can also get a medicated scrub from the vet to speed up the healing process.

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